Find a wide range of publications that provide energy insight and analysis right here, as well as information about how we're shaping the future of energy in the UK.

Our Future Energy Scenarios (FES) and other publications aim to encourage and inform debate, leading to changes that ensure a secure, sustainable, and affordable energy future.

Against a backdrop of political and technological change, it's impossible to forecast a single energy future over the long term. By providing a range of credible futures in these publications, it allows us to support the development of an energy system that is robust against a range of outcomes. 

Key publications

Future Energy Scenarios (FES)

Future Energy Scenarios (FES) represent a range of different, credible ways to decarbonise our energy system as we strive towards the 2050 target. Find out how we develop the scenarios, how you can get involved in developing them, and of course, download the publication itself.


Summer Outlook

Summer Outlook reports are designed to inform the energy industry and support its preparations, we also outline Great Britain’s projected electricity needs for the summer ahead.

Beyond 2030

The Beyond 2030 report builds on top of the Holistic Network Design and makes a set of network recommendations throughout the 2030s. 

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Further ESO publications

System Operability Framework (SOF)

The System Operability Framework (SOF) takes a holistic view of the changing energy landscape to assess the future operation of Britain's electricity networks.

Network Options Assessment (NOA)

The NOA is our recommendation for which reinforcement projects should receive investment during the coming year.

Markets Roadmap

We are committed to working together with stakeholders as we reform our markets to be fit for a net zero future. We share information on this transition at regular Markets Forums and through our annual Markets Roadmap.

Electricity Ten Year Statement (ETYS)

The Electricity Ten Year Statement (ETYS) is the ESO’s view of future transmission requirements and the capability of Great Britain’s National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) over the next ten years.

GB 36 Bus Electricity Transmission Network Model

A 36-bus equivalent network representing the National Electricity Transmission System of Great Britain was modelled in DIgSILENT PowerFactory. 

Whole electricity system

Find out how we are working with stakeholders to develop a smart, flexible electricity system that with deliver services more efficiently and help us meet carbon targets.

Regional Development Programmes (RDPs)

RDPs look across the whole electricity system to unlock more network capacity, reduce constraints and open new revenue streams for market participants. 

Winter Outlook

The Winter Outlook Report presents our view of security of supply for the electricity systems for the winter ahead.