You can raise a modification – or mod – when you want to propose a change to any part of the STC. 

For more information, please contact [email protected]

Search for any current or concluded modifications by name or ID. You can sort mods by ID, name, status or date of update. Or filter according to status.

Views reference
Modification status
ID Name Status Last Updated Sort ascending
CM058 CM058: Amendment of Schedule 3 to reflect the changes introduced by Integrated Transmission Planning and Regulation (ITPR), namely the introduction of the Network Options Assessment Concluded
PM082 PM082: STCP19-4 - Concerns raised by Generators over Commissioning and De-commission of Transmission Assets Concluded
PM099 PM099: STCP13-2 'SIF and LARF Methodology' Concluded
PM0108 PM0108: STCP 11.4 Enhanced Service Provision Concluded
CM076 CM076 - STC change to reflect the terms of the UK’s departure from the EU Concluded
CM084 CM084: Clarify STCP modification approach for cross-code changes Concluded
CM092: Schedule 9: TO Construction Terms Update CM092: Schedule 9:TO Construction Terms Update Concluded
CM059 CM059: Changes to Section C and H following OFGEM Response to Adjudication Request Concluded
PM083 PM083: STCP 19-5 – Update and clarification of process for issuing an FSKN to prospective OFTOs Concluded
PM0100 PM0100: STCP19-3 'Operational Notification & Compliance Testing – update to reflect current process, common practice and terminology.' Concluded

More about modifications

Modification Tracker

Our Tracker gives you the latest details on current code modifications including the purpose and the stakeholders it affects, as well as panel comments and where it is in the review process. It is published on the 7th (or next working day) of each month.

STCP Modification Proposal Form

Download the STCP Proposal form, when we receive your Proposal, we'll check it through and work together to make sure it's easy to understand.

STC Modification Proposal Form

Download the STC Proposal form, when we receive your Proposal, we'll check it through and work together to make sure it's easy to understand.


Once you've been in touch and are ready to write your Proposal paper, send it to us by the monthly modification submission date which you can find on our Calendar.