You can raise a modification – or mod – when you want to propose a change to any part of the SQSS. 

For more information or for help raising an SQSS modification, please contact [email protected].

Search for any current or concluded modifications by name or ID. You can sort mods by ID, name, status or date of update. Or filter according to status.

Views reference
Modification status
ID Name Status Last Updated Sort ascending
GSR012 GSR012: Interconnectors Concluded
GSR028 GSR028: Making the SQSS Gender Neutral Current
GSR013 GSR013: Review of Offshore Infeed Loss Concluded
GSR029 GSR029: Review of Demand Connection Criteria to Align with EREC P2/7 Current
GSR014 GSR014: Offshore Transformer Requirements Concluded
GSR030 GSR030: Offshore DC Connections Current
GSR015 GSR015: Normal Infeed Loss Risk Concluded
GSR016 GSR016: Small and Medium Embedded Generation Assumptions Concluded
GSR032 GSR032: Facilitate Implementation of the Electricity System Restoration Standard Current
GSR017 GSR017: Treatment of Switch Faults in Operational Timescales Concluded

More about modifications

Modification Tracker

Our Tracker gives you the latest details on current code modifications including the purpose and the stakeholders it affects, as well as panel comments and where it is in the review process. It is published on the 7th (or next working day) of each month.

Modification Proposal Form

If you're thinking about raising a modification, please get in touch with us. Our experts can give you advice on your Proposal, explain how the modification process works and help to answer any questions you may have. When we receive your Proposal, we'll check it through and work together to make sure it's easy to understand.


Once you've been in touch and are ready to write your Proposal paper, send it to us by the monthly modification submission date which you can find on our Calendar.