GC0141: Compliance Processes and Modelling amendments following 9th August Power Disruption

The Government (BEIS) and the Regulator (Ofgem) investigated and reviewed the incident on 9th August 2019 when some 1 million customers lost their electricity supply as a consequence of unexpected losses of Generation following a correctly cleared fault event on the Transmission System. The modifications included in these proposals are to address the concerns raised in Action 3 of the Ofgem Report and Action 2 of the BEIS report.

Modification status:
Implemented - Concluded
Last updated:
26 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard Governance

Impacts: High: Generators and HVDC Interconnector Owners

Implemented: 5th January 2023

Code modification proposed by:
Arnaldo Rossier


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