Welcome to ESO

We are the electricity system operator for Great Britain, making sure that Great Britain has the essential energy it needs by ensuring supply meets demand every second of every day. 

Find out what we do

Teen checking screen at night

Developing a system plan for clean power by 2030

Achieving clean power by 2030 whilst keeping the system secure and affordable for consumers would be a world-leading achievement. We welcome the ambition set by HM Government and look forward to contributing by undertaking this critical analysis at pace. ESO open letter to industry on clean power 2030.

Family running on beach

The future of the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS)

The initial designs for the future of the Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) have been set out to evolve DFS into a commercial service that can be used year round.

Landscape dam with water and glowlines

Early View of Winter and Winter Review

We've published our Early View of Winter 2024/25 which sets our initial assessment of electricity security of supply for Great Britain the coming winter, and our Winter Review 2023/24 which looks at how conditions impacted demand, margins and balancing costs for the previous winter. 

Decarbonise Great Britain together

If you missed our webinars explaining our new responsibilities as the National Energy System Operator (NESO), you can watch recordings to learn how we can work together to deliver a net zero energy system that balances sustainability with affordability and security.

Balancing the Grid - Interactive game

To give you some insight into the world of balancing the grid, we’ve developed a game where you can attempt to keep the grid stable while facing some of the challenges our control room operatives experience daily.

Power cut in your area?

Experiencing a power cut? Find out what to do and who to contact.

Parent and child laughing on sofa

Great Britain's monthly electricity stats

Ever wonder how much electricity is generated and used in Great Britain?

See Great Britain's electricity generation and how much came from sources such as wind, solar and biomass in our monthly snapshot. 

Our control room experts continue to balance supply and demand second by second and you can follow the electricity mix live in our carbon intensity app – available on Google Play Store and The App Store.


Keen to learn more about how we balance the grid? See our latest stories below.