GC0142: Adding Non-Standard Voltages to the Grid Code

Following the rejection of modification GSR0021 to the System Quality and Standards of Supply (SQSS) by Ofgem, this modification is being raised to seek modifications to the Grid Code. A separate modification will be raised to modify the SQSS. The modifications are looking to incorporate equipment at nominal voltages other than those that are currently used within the Codes.    

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0142: Adding Non-Standard Voltages to the Grid Code
Last updated:
23 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard Governance


* Medium: Any users subject to requirements of the Grid Code installing equipment at nominal voltages, who will gain clarity.

* Low: Users subject to requirements of the Grid Code of equipment at standard voltages who will see no change.


Code modification proposed by:
Louise Trodden
