GC0133: Timely informing of the GB NETS System State condition

This Modification will require the Transmission System Operator (TSO) for GB National Grid Electricity System Operator (NGESO) to inform, in a timely manner, the System State condition of the GB National Electricity Transmission System (NETS) to market participants.

Modification status:
Withdrawn - GC0133: Timely informing of the GB NETS System State condition
Last updated:
27 August 2024

Code Administrator Contact: [email protected]

Governance Route: Standard Governance


Low: ESO (in terms of reporting the System State condition) and for Generators, Suppliers and other market participants (in terms of receiving, considering and taking internal action(s) arising from being notified of the System State condition).

Rejected: 17 October 2022

Code modification proposed by:
Garth Graham