GC0122 - Amending references to NGET and the Company within the Grid Code following previous modifications

This modification seeks to make changes originally raised within GC0120 at the Grid Code Review Panel (GCRP) on 28 February 2019 to make minor corrections resulting from the work on legal separation. The GCRP’s decision in relation to GC0120 was to implement the definition changes in relation to “The Company” as directed by Ofgem in their decision letter for GC0112 ‘National Grid Legal Separation Grid Code changes to incorporate NGESO’. The reasons given by the GCRP for not accepting the other proposed changes to the Grid Code related to them being more material than could be accepted within the proposed governance route. Several references that originally specified “NGET”, and were subsequently changed to “The Company” by GC0115, were changed to the “Relevant Transmission Licensee”. The Panel stated that further analysis is required in relation to these changes before they can be implemented in the Grid Code. As a consequence of the GCRP’s decision the Grid Code still contains the identified defects. This modification seeks to make the previous changes identified by GC0120 and similar changes to the Demand Response Services and European Connection Conditions; however, references to “Relevant Transmission Licensee” are omitted and in their place, it is proposed that these revert to “NGET” as they were originally. A modification will be raised at the panel in March that will propose to rectify these defects by again considering their amendment to “Relevant Transmission Licensee” and which can be taken forwards by an appropriate governance route.

Modification status:
Implemented - GC0122 - Amending references to NGET and the Company within the Grid Code following previous modifications
Last updated:
23 August 2024

