Transmission Demand Residual (TDR) Tariffs

This data file contains the TNUoS tariffs related to sites liable for Transmission Demand Residual (TDR). This file will be updated on a quarterly basis (when tariffs are published), to receive auto updates please register and subscribe to the TNUoS Tariffs Dataset.

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Table Information


Title Publication
Type string
Description forecast or draft or final tariffs
Comment N/A
Example Final
Unit N/A


Title Year FY
Type integer
Description Financial year
Comment for example, 2024 for financial year 2023/24
Example 2024
Unit ISO 8601


Title Published Date
Type date
Description date when published
Comment date in the format of year-month-date
Example 2023-11-28
Unit ISO 8601

TDR Band

Title TDR Band
Type string
Description Band category for final demand sites that are liable for Transmission Demand Residual (TDR) tariffs
Example EHV3
Unit N/A

TDR Tariff in £/(Site Day)

Title TDR Tariff in £/(Site Day)
Type number
Description TDR tariffs per day, at 6d.p. TDR Tariff in £/(Site Day) for all sites except UMS (UMS sites TDR tariffs are in p/kWh per day)
Comment for sites of unmetered supplies of electricity, p/kWh; for all other final demand sites, £/site
Example 12.345678
Unit p/kWh for sites of unmetered supplies; OR £/site for all other final demand sites


Title Notes
Type string
Description alternative names for the TDR bands
Example Unmetered
Unit N/A