Super Stable Export Limit Contract Enactment FY 24-25

Details of Super SEL Contract Enactments for FY 24-25.

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Table Information


Title Contract ID
Type String
Description ID of the Contract Enactment Action
Comment N/A
Example ES00101011
Unit N/A


Title Start Time (UTC)
Type Date and Time, UTC format
Description Start time of the contract enactment action in UTC format
Comment N/A
Example 2020-01-05T00:00:00
Unit UTC ISO 8601


Title End Time (UTC)
Type Date and Time, UTC format
Description End time of the contract enactment action in UTC format
Comment N/A
Example 2020-01-06T00:00:00
Unit UTC ISO 8601


Title Average Volume
Type Float
Description Average Volume of the contract enactment action
Comment A positve number represents the action increase generation /decrease demand or provide upwards margin; a negative number represents the action reducing genreation / increase demand or provide downwards margin. Value is rounded to up to 1 decimal place
Example 10.9
Unit MW


Title Price
Type Float
Description Average price of the contract enactment action
Comment The value is rounded to up to 2 decimal places
Example 200.01
Unit £/MWh


Title Cost
Type Float
Description Total cost to Nationalgrid ESO for the contract enctment action
Comment Cost = Volume * Price * Duration. The value is rounded to up to 2 decimal places
Example 38.57
Unit £/h


Title System Flag
Type String
Description System flag indicating whether the action is mainly for system security purpose
Comment SO_Flag = T (True) means the action is mainly for system security reason, SO_Flag = F (False) means the action is mainly for balancing reason
Example T,F
Unit N/A


Title Contract Reason
Type String
Description Detailed reason for the contract enactment action
Comment This can be for voltage, thermal constraints, ROCOF, upwards margin or downwards reserve etc
Example Voltage: V_Mersey, V_SouthEast (Votlage) Thermal: LE1, B6; ROCOF_BMU, ROCOF_IC, Margin, Downwards, Others
Unit N/A


Title AssetID
Type String
Description The ID of the Asset
Comment In case of BMU this is NG BMU Name otherwise, a name will be given reflects our contract with the conterparty
Example Drax-3
Unit N/A


Title Counterparty name
Type String
Description Name of the contract counterparty
Comment This is the contract counterparty, it might be different from the asset owner
Example Engie UK
Unit N/A


Title Delivery Area
Type String
Description The location of the asset
Comment This can be England&Wales, Scotland, or different interconnectors
Example E&W, IFA
Unit N/A


Title Note
Type String
Description Notes or comments
Comment N/A
Example N/A
Unit N/A


Title Last Updated
Type Date and Time, UTC format
Description Date and Time that the information has been last updated
Comment N/A
Example 2020-01-05T00:00:00
Unit UTC ISO 8601