Historical Outturn Voltage Costs 2017-2018

This provides outturn system costs for maintaining voltage levels on the network, along with a network diagram which displays the different voltage requirement areas.

Map of outturn voltage costs

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Table Information

Settlement Month

Title Settlement Month
Type yearmonth
Description Total cost per Settlement Month. Date presented visually as 01/MMM/YYYY but represents the whole 'Month'.
Example 1/9/2019

Voltage Constraint Group

Title Voltage Constraint Group
Type string
Description Defined voltage requirement areas.
Comment Voltage levels across the network need to be maintained across these 19 voltage requirement areas.
Example Dumfries & Galloway

Sync Costs (£m)

Title Sync Costs
Type number
Description Costs in the balancing mechanism to run the unit. From trades and balancing mechanism actions.
Example 0
Unit £(m)

Utilisation Costs (£m)

Title Utilisation Costs (£m)
Type number
Description AS costs for voltage
Comment Payments to increase or decrease Mvars
Example 0.097390738
Unit £(m)


Title Coordinates
Type geopoint
Description Co-ordinates to geographically map the Voltage Constraint Group area.
Example (54.495568, -2.7246094)