Non BM Dispatch Cease Instructions_Oct_2020

This file contains Non-BM Instructions on ASDP sent from National Grid control room and published on NG website.

Data Explorer

Data Explorer

Table Information


Title Entry ID
Type Integer
Description Sequential Number
Comment N/A
Example 1
Unit N/A


Title Service Type
Type String
Description All STOR service types are Non-BM STOR and FAST RESERVE type is Non-BM Fast Reserve
Comment N/A
Example Non-BM STOR
Unit N/A


Title Instruction Start DateTime
Type DateTime
Description Date time Dispatch instruction starts to ramp up
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:26:16Z
Unit N/A


Title MW
Type Integer
Description MWs dispatched
Comment N/A
Example 34
Unit N/A


Title Indicative Price
Type Decimal
Description Pound/MWh should be the price of the instruction at the time it starts to ramp up
Comment N/A
Example 39.23
Unit N/A


Title Instruction Cease DateTime
Type DateTime
Description Date time Cease instruction ramp down ends.
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:26:16Z
Unit N/A


Title Dispatch DateTimeStamp
Type DateTime
Description Timestamp Dispatch is sent
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:26:16Z
Unit N/A


Title Cease DateTimeStamp
Type DateTime
Description Timestamp Cease is sent
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:26:16Z
Unit N/A