Non BM Dispatch Cease Instructions_Aug_2024

This file contains Non-BM Instructions on ASDP sent from National Grid control room and published on NG website.

Note: For more details on Party ID and Asset ID fields, please click here

Data Explorer

Data Explorer

Table Information


Title Entry ID
Type Integer
Description Sequential Number
Comment N/A
Example 1
Unit N/A


Title Service Type
Type String
Description All STOR service types are Non-BM STOR and FAST RESERVE type is Non-BM Fast Reserve. All RDP MW Dispatch Instructions will currently have RDP_NEGATIVE Service Type.
Comment N/A
Unit N/A


Title Instruction Start DateTime
Type DateTime
Description Date time Dispatch instruction starts to ramp up. For RDP MW Dispatch, this is the DateTime each successful Dispatch instruction was sent to the conerned DER Unit via the DNO for curtailment down to 0 MW.
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:26:16Z
Unit N/A


Title MW
Type Integer
Description MWs dispatched
Comment N/A
Example 34
Unit MW


Title Indicative Price
Type Number
Description Pound/MWh should be the price of the instruction at the time it starts to ramp up. For RDP MW Dispatch, this is the DER Unit's latest Utilization Price (in £/MWh) for the given day when the Dispatch Instruction was issued.
Comment N/A
Example 39.23
Unit £/MWh


Title Instruction Cease DateTime
Type DateTime
Description Date time Cease instruction ramp down ends. For RDP MW Dispatch, this is the DateTime the Cease instruction was sent to the conerned DER Unit via the DNO to restore its MW generation.
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 12:26:16Z
Unit N/A


Title Dispatch DateTimeStamp
Type DateTime
Description Timestamp Dispatch is sent (publish time to NGESO data portal)
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 07:27:16Z
Unit N/A


Title Cease DateTimeStamp
Type DateTime
Description Timestamp Cease is sent (publish time to NGESO data portal)
Comment N/A
Example 2019-01-30 12:27:16Z
Unit N/A


Title Party Id
Type string
Description This should be the service provider name associated with the corresponding instruction
Comment N/A
Unit N/A


Title Asset Id
Type string
Description This should be the Non-BMU ID associated with the corresponding instruction. For RDP MW Dispatch, this will be the NGESO assigned Unit ID for the respective DERs.
Comment N/A
Example MPR-8
Unit N/A


Title Tendered
Type string
Description This is the flag indicating if a service is Tendered or Non-tendered. For RDP MW Dispatch, this will always be Non-Tendered.
Comment N/A
Example Tendered
Unit N/A