Disaggregated BSAD 2018-19

This is the data for financial year 2018-19.

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Table Information


Title Date of balancing service adjustments
Type date
Description Date and time at which balancing service adjustments occurred. Given in (Coordinated Universal Time) UTC or UTC+1 during British Summer Time.
Example 30/09/2018

Settlement Period

Title Settlement Period
Type integer
Description The half hourly period at which balancing service adjustments occurred. Settlement period 1 runs from 00:00-00:30.
Example 1

Disaggregated BSAD Volume (MWh)

Title Disaggregated BSAD Volume
Type number
Description The volume of balancing service adjustments – calculated by multiplying the MW volume by 0.5 (as given for a half hour settlement period).
Example 120
Unit MWh

Disaggregated BSAD Cost (£)

Title Disaggregated BSAD Cost
Type number
Description The cost associated with the volume in the previous column.
Example 3.36
Unit £

Trade Flag System (T) / Energy (F)

Title Trade Flag System (T) / Energy (F)
Type boolean
Description A flag to denote whether the adjustment was taken due to a system issue such as a constraint, or an energy issue (balancing supply and demand).
Example F