2-14 Days Ahead Cardinal Point Forecast

This is our 2-14 days ahead national demand forecast, updated twice daily. National Demand is the Great Britain generation requirement and is the sum of metered generation based on National Grid ESO’s operational generation metering, but excludes generation required to meet station load, pump storage pumping and interconnector exports.

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Table Information


Title Days Ahead
Type integer
Description Number of days in advance the forecast was produced
Example 2
Unit Days


Title Target Date
Type date
Description The date the demand forecast is for
Example 2018-03-30T00:00:00Z


Title Forecast Demand
Type integer
Description National 2 day ahead demand forecast values. 
Example 26810
Unit MW


Title Cardinal Point
Type string
Description Electricity demand fluctuates during a day depending on how much energy people, businesses and industries are using at that moment in time. As this electricity demand goes up and down we get characteristic peaks and troughs, with some of these peaks and troughs appearing every single day at similar times. These we call cardinal points and are the points during the day that we forecast demand for.
Example 1F


Title Cardinal Point Type
Type string
Description Fixed, Trough or Peak. Cardinal points (CPs) can either be fixed (occur at a fixed time), trough (minimum demands during a set period of the day) or peak(maximum demands during a set period of the day). These are represented throught the first letter of the point type (F,T or P)
Example T


Title Cardinal Point Start Time
Type integer
Description The time when a particular cardinal point (CP) starts during the day. This is given relative to the timezone in effect in the UK at the forecast time and date.
Example 30


Title Cardinal Point End Time
Type integer
Description The time when a particular cardinal point (CP) ends during the day. This is given relative to the timezone in effect in the UK at the forecast time and date.
Example 30


Title Forecasting Point
Type string
Description Forecasts of forecasting points , Publishing forecasts of forecasting points: overnight demand minimum, daytime demand maximum, daytime demand minimum and evening demand maximum.
Comment Forecasting point 1: Overnight minimum (OM): minimum national demand between half hour ending 00:30 and 07:30. Forecasting point 2: Daytime peak (DM): maximum national demand between half hour ending 08:00 and 13:00. Forecasting point 3: Daytime minimum (Dm): minimum national demand between half hour ending 13:30 and 16:30. Forecasting point 4: Evening peak (EM): maximum national demand between half hour ending 17:00 and 24:00. 
Example Om