14 Days Ahead Operational Metered Wind Forecasts

The dataset contains national and windfarm-level 0-14 Day Ahead wind forecasts for all the windfarms which provide real-time operational metering (SCADA telemetry) to the ESO. The forecasts are based on evaluated Operational Capacity, which is a deterministic value based on recent actual production levels of that windfarm, captured from SCADA telemetry.

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2 Data Files

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14 Day Ahead Operational Metered Windfarm-Level Wind Forecast CSV 1 hour ago Download (CSV) view
14 Day Ahead Operational Metered Wind Forecast CSV 1 hour ago Download (CSV) view

Additional Information

Field Value
Date Created July 16, 2024 at 12:40 PM (UTC+00:00)
Rights National Grid ESO Open Data Licence
Update frequency Daily

cURL integration


# Get a list of dataset's resources

curl -L -s https://api.nationalgrideso.com/api/3/action/datapackage_show?id=14-days-ahead-operational-metered-wind-forecasts | grep path

# Get resources

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/ca6fc361-9099-4ab2-ac02-c959431e84bc/resource/31e6d895-af48-41bd-a4db-28a78c7e9c4b/download/14dawindunitforecastall.csv

curl -L https://api.nationalgrideso.com/dataset/ca6fc361-9099-4ab2-ac02-c959431e84bc/resource/b1ae17c2-cc5e-4254-9bbf-3eddcf30d033/download/14dawindforecastall.csv

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