Interconnector framework RFI feedback

29 February 2024
1pm to 3pm
Microsoft Teams 
Event Category:
Market strategy and roadmap
Event Type:
Events and webinars

Activity 2C (ref. 270 role in Europe) within our RIIO-2 business plan (BP2) seeks to create an interconnector framework. The aim of this being to not only ensure administration of retained European legislation, but to enable consistency for interconnectors operating in GB markets and aid transparency of the ways in which the interconnectors operate and work with the ESO. More information on this business plan deliverable can be found within our RIIO-2 business plan and delivery schedule.

This meeting is planned to review and discuss the summary of the responses and key themes identified within the first interconnector framework request for input.

Further updates/date changes will be provided via the JESG newsletter. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any problems or questions.